Saturday, April 17, 2010

Eat Your Words

Eat Your Words

In my dream, I had purchased an expensive machine; it made snowcones out of paper. The easiest way to feed it enough paper was to tear the covers off an old book and shove the pages into the machine. Out would come the most delicious frozen treat.

In the dream, my friend arrive in town with her elderly, unhealthy father. They had no money and were living in their car. In my dream, I had another dream (love it when that happens!) where I gave my friend the wonderful paper recycling snowcone maker. I wasn't really using it that much.

But when I acted on my dream (in my dream) I decided to sell my friend the machine, instead of give it to her. After all, it was a valuable thing and she could make a lot of money with it. I tried and tried to convince her, grinding whole textbooks through the machine, turning them into fruity concoctions and selling them right and left, but my friend demurred. She's nuts! I thought. Or stupid!

I woke from my dream wondering why I didn't just use the damned thing myself?!

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