Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trying Something New...

My good friend Sue sent me a book titled What It Is...the formless thing which gives things form by Lynda Barry. I read it several weeks ago, loved it, made a shopping list, failed to buy any of the stuff she recommended, dilly-dallied over the details of how to begin, forgot most of what I learned/loved/intended-to-do, got sick, got very sick, felt a little better, and then I made this.


Jill said...

have shivers reading this... maybe b/c it's about ME, but mostly b/c of the miracle of those REAL friendship connections you make when the flies are buzzing more in your own head than around it, and you are getting deeper than your unshaved ankles in the Meramec River, and you meet a new person who seems really cool, and you make conversation like, '..and what does your husband do?.." and she answers: "oh, he's a jet pilot..." and you think you're being funny when you get on a roll about how he must have wanted to be an astronaught when he was a kid, and how they are booking fly-by-night trips to the moon these days, and ..." before you can finish your silly riff, you realize that he really IS a jet pilot, and this new freind has absolutely kept pace with your odd flights of fancy as if she too knows how to take an idea and want to fly with it.... (even if you crash-land, as I did) - and our friendship HAS been flying high ever since. Somehow, I've forgotten those pesky black fies though. Thanks for remembering, Bon-bon. Maybe it was recalling the Meramec RIver that gave me the shivers, but I doubt it. I miss you too.......

Jenny Stevning said...

I am always checking for your blog updates, but today, my mom pointed out this entry. I was mad she saw it first! I LOVE this living, breathing, honest and openly creative to-do list. I found it very inspiring!! I want to do that too!!!
Oh, and cut out this face lift babble. Pure nonsense!

Chatterbox Cheese said...

I wasn't familiar with anything "Lynda Barry" but because you feel it made such an impact on YOU, I've Googled her books and will get a copy and see what all de shoutin's about. Thanks for the recommendation, Bonnie! You're an inspiration!