Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Was I Resisting This?

From Steven Pressfield's The War of Art:
Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance....Are you a writer who doesn't write, a painter who doesn't paint, an entrepreneur who never starts a venture? Then you know what Resistance is.

And Bubba, I know what Resistance is. It has kicked my butt a thousand ways: procrastination, perfectionism, distraction, vanity, self-loathing, addiction. Sometimes Resistance resorts to controlling me with heart-stopping terror, but most of the time it gets off cheap, with nothing more than slight fluttering fears. But not today; today, I win.

How do I know I've won? Because in about 5 minutes, come hell or high water, I'm going to click the button that says "Publish Post." I will. I swear I will.

But first, I have to tip my hat to Resistance by fiddling around with the font size and format, by proofreading 12 times, by wigging out about who will read this and what they will think, by dinking around with every comma and semicolon, by patting myself on the back one more time for being a good speller, and then asking the spell-checker to confirm this fact, just in case. Plus, I'm getting a little hungry for lunch and there is a nice piece of pot roast calling my name from the fridge. Okay, maybe it'll be more like 20 minutes, tops, before I click "Publish."

No, no. It will be now, here, this minute. I win.


Birch Bay Kay said...

My copy is dog-eared from repeated handling and referral. Continue fighting the good fight, O Mighty Writer Woman!

Jenny Stevning said...

Bon, you are my hero!!
I love you.